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Cincinnati Family Dental Blog

Tag: teeth whitening

“What Are Those Brown Spots on My Teeth?” Here’s What You Can Do

When you peer into the mirror, seeing brown spots on your teeth...

The Substance of Cosmetic Dentistry

So, what exactly is cosmetic dentistry? Defined as a subfield of dentistry...

Want a Beautiful Smile? Our 3 Favorite Over-the-Counter Kits for Teeth Whitening

Smile! What do you think? If you’re not happy with your smile,...

Why Professional Teeth Whitening Puts Over-the-Counter Kits to Shame

Are you considering whitening your teeth? If so, you’re probably wondering what’s...

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Compared to Over-the-Counter Approaches

Looking for a fresher smile? Life happens. Wine, coffee, smoking — even...

5 Tasty Foods to Whiten Your Teeth for a Beautiful Smile

Of course you want healthy teeth. You understand how important dental care...

7 Foods to Eliminate Stains & Naturally Whiten Your Teeth

You know there are foods that stain your teeth overtime, like coffee...

7 Tricks to Drinking Wine without Staining Your Teeth

Want in on a secret? A glass of wine (or two) a...

3 Signs a Smile Makeover Might Change Your Life

In today’s society, your smile is one of the first things people...

Why Professional Teeth Whitening is So Much More Effective than Home Treatment 

Here’s the low down on over-the-counter teeth whitening products: You get what...

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