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Cincinnati Family Dental Blog

Tag: cosmetic dentistry

Does Dental Insurance Cover Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your smile. This specialty...

The Emergence of Dental Care in Prehistoric Peoples

When did we start caring about teeth? Way before you likely thought....

The Substance of Cosmetic Dentistry

So, what exactly is cosmetic dentistry? Defined as a subfield of dentistry...

How Cosmetic Dentistry Restores the Look of a Damaged Smile

Having discolored, decaying or missing teeth in the visible part of your...

Porcelain vs Composite Veneers: Who Wins?

Porcelain tooth veneers are the ones you tend to think about when...

Dental Bonding and Tooth Veneers are Not the Same

Dental bonding and tooth veneers both fall under the practice of cosmetic...

Want a Perfect Smile? Dental Veneers Are Key

Chip a tooth? Are you self conscious of your smile? Do you...

Are Dental Veneers Worth the Cost? What You Need to Know

Looking for a movie star smile? We’ll let you in on a...

The Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Compared to Over-the-Counter Approaches

Looking for a fresher smile? Life happens. Wine, coffee, smoking — even...

Gum Contouring: Is It Worth It? Your Questions Answered

A beautiful smile is more than just the condition of your teeth...

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