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What Parents Need to Know About the Teething Process

Teething can be stressful for both baby and parent, but it’s an essential milestone in a child’s dental development. As the first teeth poke through, the process can be painful and uncomfortable for the child. By understanding the teething process and knowing how to alleviate some of the discomfort, you can help your little one through the experience. A little support from your Cincinnati-area dental professionals doesn’t hurt, either.

When Will My Child Start Teething?

It doesn’t hurt to start anticipating the teething period soon after birth. While it’s not usual for teeth to appear on the first day or just after a few weeks, it has been known to happen. Typically, though, teething starts at four to seven months.

The first teeth to appear are usually the central incisors or the two front teeth on the bottom. About four to eight weeks later, you might begin to see the central and lateral incisors, which are the four front teeth on top. It might take another month before the lower lateral incisors break through. After the molars, you’ll finally see the pointy upper teeth.

You should expect about 20 baby teeth to emerge by your child’s third birthday. If some of them don’t come through by then, it’s a good idea to speak to your pediatrician.

What Is Teething Like for My Child?

Babies tend to vary in teething symptoms, but your baby will likely show the usual signs. Here’s what to look for when it’s time for teething to start:

  • Drooling more than usual
  • Chewing on hard items due to swelling of the gums
  • Crankiness and more frequent crying because of irritated gums
  • Increased body temperature
  • Fluctuations in eating and sleeping patterns

A few symptoms are usually no cause for alarm. However, if your child exhibits almost or all these signs or develops a fever or diarrhea, a visit to the pediatrician is in order.

How to Help Your Child Through the Teething Process

Knowing the common teething symptoms can help you decide what to do to comfort your baby. Here are several steps you can take to relieve your child’s pain.

  • Use a clean, soft cloth to wipe the excess drool. This will prevent rashes from developing on the face or neck.
  • Massage your baby’s gums using a clean finger.
  • Find soft objects your child can chew on, such as a damp washcloth or cold rubber teething ring (not tied or attached to the baby’s clothing). The object should be large enough not to cause choking.
  • If you chill an item in the freezer, don’t leave it there for over 20 minutes. Otherwise, it will become hard and possibly bruise the gums.
  • Consider teething biscuits only if your child is already eating solid foods. Also, keep watch over your child with food to make sure large pieces don’t break off and cause a choking hazard.
  • Do not use teething gels, which aren’t safe for babies.
  • Ask your doctor if it’s okay to administer ibuprofen or acetaminophen.

Schedule a Visit with Your Local Family Dentist After the First Tooth

At Beckham Square Family Dental, we consider teething an exciting transition period for a child, even if it’s sometimes painful. When your baby’s first tooth comes in, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us, or at least by the time your baby reaches one year of age.

During your baby’s first dental visit, we’ll clean the teeth and give you pointers on preventing tooth loss and decay. You’ll also want to keep us updated as your child acquires and loses their baby teeth so that we can ensure that the permanent teeth can grow straight.

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