What Are Those Black Triangles Between My Teeth?

As you prepare for the day, you inspect yourself in the mirror, and, oh no! You check your teeth, and you notice dark gaps. A pearly-white smile can give you confidence, but any imperfections can be frustrating. Those dark gaps, or black triangles, are a condition you can remedy with cosmetic dental care near you. But the reasons for treating black triangles go beyond aesthetics.
What Are Those Black Triangles?
Black triangles between teeth are also called open gingival embrasures. They may look like discoloration but reflect the spaces between your teeth that the gum tissue doesn’t fill in. While some gaps in the teeth aren’t anything to worry about, those that have recently emerged or are widening warrant dental attention.
What Causes Them?
Black triangles or teeth gaps along the gum line occur for several reasons. Here are the most common factors:
- Aggressive brushing and flossing—Brushing and flossing too hard can hurt the gums and create gaps that look like gum disease.
- Bone loss—When bone deteriorates, the gums will start to recede. It can come from gum disease or osteoporosis.
- Orthodontic treatments—While braces can correct misalignment, they can leave gaps, making further treatment necessary.
- Receding gums—Gum disease can erode the gum line and make it appear thinner.
- Tooth shape—While rectangular teeth are wide enough at the top and bottom, having teeth that are narrow at the gum line can give way to the appearance of black triangles.
What Can I Do About Them?
If you want to treat your black triangles, it’s best to identify the underlying cause. Those embrasures are more likely to be symptoms than the condition itself. If you see new gaps, you should visit your dentist so that they can determine if you have gum disease or bone loss. A Cincinnati dental professional will also be able to discern the cause of your black triangles and suggest the best course of action.
Depending on the cause and seriousness of your black triangles, your dentist will recommend one or more remedies:
- Greater care when flossing and brushing—If you can brush and floss without hurting your gums, your black triangles might reduce or go away.
- Dental resin or veneers—If the shape of your teeth contributes to the gaps, reshaping some of your teeth may solve your problem.
- Grafting tissue—If your gaps are significant or you experience bone loss, you may benefit from surgery involving a gum tissue graft to the affected areas.
- Gum disease treatment—Healing your gums might reverse some of the recession.
- Orthodontic care—Your family dentist may refer you to an orthodontist who can place braces, especially if the black triangles are due to misalignment.
Preventing Black Triangles
Whether you’ve had treatment for black triangles or don’t seem bothered by them, there are steps you can take to prevent them from developing:
- Floss and brush gently—Avoid putting excessive pressure on the gums.
- Use toothbrushes with soft bristles—Although medium and hard bristles are available for purchase, avoid these entirely and stick with the soft kind.
- Prevent gum disease—If you can keep your gums healthy, you’re ahead of the game. Avoid smoking, and don’t skip brushing and flossing, which are risk factors for gum disease.
Local Dental Care for Your Cosmetic Needs
If you see black triangles start to develop, you don’t have to accept them. There are many remedies to try, and your dentist at Beckham Square Family Dental can help. They’ll work extensively to find the underlying cause and recommend a treatment that meets your needs. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or to get more information on the cosmetic services we offer to Cincinnati residents.